'/> Steps to Make Favorite Bangali Rui Macher Jhol - Bijutsu

Steps to Make Favorite Bangali Rui Macher Jhol

Bangali Rui Macher Jhol

Hello everyone, have a nice day today. Today we are going to make a special step by step recipe to prepare Bangali Rui Macher Jhol every night of the week. One of my favorite recipes. I'll sweeten it up a bit for myself. It will be delicious and fragrant.

Let's face it, cooking is not just a lifestyle priority for every man, woman or child on earth. In fact, many people have abandoned learning to cook as an important part of their lives. This means we often rely on packaged and mixed foods instead of putting the time and effort into preparing healthy meals for our families and personal enjoyment.

This means that at any point in your cooking cycle, chances are that someone somewhere cooks worse or better than you. Let that cheer you up, because even the best cooks have bad days. There are many men and women who cook for many reasons. Some cook to eat and live, while others enjoy the cooking process. Some boiled in emotional trauma, others out of sheer boredom. No matter why you cook or how you cook, you have to start with the basics.

First of all, not all fancy dinners need to be prepared to host. Some need to be microwaved, while others need to be pre-cooked or pre-cooked and reheated. Once you understand the creative concepts that really have to exist, your options are almost endless. You should also know that some of these thoughts are so simple that you'll wonder why you didn't think about them before. I hope some of these ideas become staples in your home.

The taste quality of Bangali Rui Macher Jhol is influenced by many things, from the type of ingredients, the selection of fresh ingredients, and the skills of preparing and serving food. If you want to make delicious Bangali Rui Macher Jhol at home, don't worry if you already know the trick, this dish can be made an extra special dish.

To start with this recipe, we need to prepare some ingredients. You can make Bangali Rui Maker Jhol with 11 ingredients and 4 steps. This is how you prepare it.


Ingredients and spices needed to make Bangali Rui Macher Jhol:

  1. 5/6 pieces of fish roe
  2. 2 medium potatoes (half)
  3. 1/2 cup tomatoes (halved)
  4. 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  5. 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  6. 1/2 teaspoon red paprika powder
  7. 1/2 teaspoon green pepper paste
  8. 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  9. 1/2 tsp salt (to taste)
  10. 2 glasses of water
  11. 3 tablespoons of oil

Bangali Rui Maker Jhol held a tutorial

  1. Take fish pieces, add salt and turmeric powder, carefully marinate, set aside.
  2. Now heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the fish pieces and fry the potatoes separately and set aside.
  3. Add the cumin seeds to the remaining oil and sauté the tomatoes for one minute, add the chilies, turmeric powder, cumin powder and salt and cook on low heat for 1 minute.
  4. Add french fries, mix well, add water and cook for 4-5 minutes, after 5 minutes add fried fish pieces, cook for 3-4 minutes, now Rui Macher jhol is ready.

While this is far from the end of a quick and easy dinner prep tutorial, it's a good meal for thought. The hope is to get your creativity flowing, allowing you to whip up a great dinner for your family without consuming too many heavy meals during the approach.

It concludes with a special recipe by award-winning producer Rui Jhol Bangali. Thank you for your time. I'm sure you will do it at home. There will be interesting recipes to prepare at home. Don't forget to save this page in your browser and share it with your loved ones, colleagues and friends. Thanks for reading. Go to the kitchen!

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